
[The Witch says she's ugly because her mother cursed her for losing the beans. In 'Last Midnight,' she addresses her mother shortly before she disappears. Given that she has lost her powers then, her disappearance might plausibly be attributed to her mother.]

They were bound by blood magic and the sweet herb smoke that filled the tower, making reality visions and visions real. They sowed seeds with two hands and made love to a man in the garden to bless it, crying out with one throat and three voices: child's soprano, rich alto, reedy gasp. Together they laid out the village's dead with withered hands.

The prince's phallus ripped them asunder, stole their shared sight. Rapunzel was the trapped, unwilling Leto, then, and her mother powerless, sterile Persephone. Hecate left them, taking her guise and strength, until she called her daughter home.

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