Title: Can you imagine a sorrier sight
Fandom: DCU (Uber)
Summary: Every era has its crusade and its crusaders.
Rating: All ages
Notes: It's the song of the Temperance Union.

"If Demon Rum were eliminated, Rachel, then Mother and Father would still be with us." Brucilla dabbed her eyes with a hanky. "As would your parents, my dear girl."

Rachel threw herself on Brucilla's whaleboned bosom. "It's true, it's true! A man with a weakness for spirits is a coward and feeble-minded!"

"Let us change into our night-things, then," Brucilla said, stroking Rachel's hair. "We shall be righteous for the powerless menfolk."

"O yes, please," said Rachel, her eyes shining. "I have been pining for the feel of bottles smashing."

Brucilla smiled. "And perhaps for the tailcoat?"

Rachel blushed prettily.

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