A local habitation (Reference: A little more than kin and less than
kind) Fandom: DCU (Riff of Te's Any More Perfection) Summary: Kal can be distracted. Pairing: OMG OT3 4EVAH TRU LUV Rating: PORN Tim is shuddering and groaning before he realizes that it's not just Kal -- in him, on him, over him -- making him shake, but also the bed, gripping him in a slick, warm orifice. Not a bed at all. If he screams, Kal will become aware of the transgression, and -- It is unlikely that they would never make love in the Fortress again, but one never knows. Better, then, to bite back the scream, choke it into << My companion, you make novae seem cautious, >> a curse, and an inarticulate orgasm into what are immediately afterward passive sheets. Kal can be distracted. |
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