Title: Wonder Boys
Fandom: DC Comics
Pairing: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake
Timeline: Sometime after Prodigal, and pre-Unmasked
Rating: PG

Tim is just like the other little brother Dick's never had, except for the obsession, the shared history of violence, and the sex.

Other than that, it's perfectly normal. Doesn't everyone have a little brother they can fight with

-- throwing real punches, using real weapons, leaving real bruises --

and joke with

-- practicing the Robin-banter that just doesn't come naturally to Tim, or referring to Bruce or was it Batman as Dad, trading horror stories that aren't actually all that funny but some traumas work better with that edge of laughter --

and understand better than anyone outside the family ever could?

Not that he understands Tim, all that well. He understands Robin from the inside out; he created the role, and Tim, however well he does it, isn't creating it anew.

But Tim understands that, and understands him. Knows him, from vital stats to philosophy. Analyses and synthesizes, up the taxonomy, and has him down pat.

Which makes it all right and completely weird when Tim kisses him, getting entirely under his guard at the end of a long night with too many punches thrown. Something in Dick's head says, But he's just a kid.

And something else says, No, he's Robin.

When Dick realizes he's kissing Tim back, he knows which voice wins. But by that time Tim has his legs wrapped around Dick's waist, and it doesn't matter what the voice of his conscience, who sounds disturbingly like Bruce, has to say about any of it.

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