Title: Habeas Corpus

Fandom: DCU (Toonverse)
Pairing: Bruce/Harvey Dent
Summary: There are times when the only thing that makes sense is the law in all its intricate, self-contradictory glory.
Rating: All ages
Notes: For Betty.

There are times when the only thing that makes sense is the law in all its intricate, self-contradictory glory.

Sometimes love matters most of all. It obsesses him, possesses him, fills his thoughts --

-- he dreams in paragraphs, in clauses and subclauses --

-- kisses and bodies in perfect harmony --

-- in amendments and loopholes --

-- addiction and endless need and blue, blue eyes, unbearably bright --

-- and it entraps him in its complexity --

-- and the safest place in the world is in --

-- courts, where good and evil are black and white --

-- his arms --

and he's going to die there.

-- where he's losing, fading, lost. Safe.

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