Title: Finds fault with my translations
Fandom: DCU (Superman)
Summary: The syllables of Kryptonian sound strange in a human's throat.
Notes: Porn drabble for Solvent90.

The syllables of Kryptonian sound strange in a human's throat, but Tim's pronunciation is comprehensible.

"I'm yours," he says, or perhaps it's, "I love you."

Impossible to tell in that language.

"Kal," Tim says, falling to his knees.

Impossible not to let him have what he wants, impossible not to use his mouth the way he's been asking for.

Though he whimpers, he clings to Kal's hips, breaking his fingernails on invulnerable skin and pressing until his knuckles must be white.

Impossible not to stroke his hair and hold him there and come into his hot, sweet, vulnerable human mouth.

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