Title: Dinosaurs and sodomy
Fandom: DCU toonverse (Batman Adventures v. 2)
Pairing: Bruce/Dick
Note: For Chibi Squirt.

Dick could've thanked Bruce for the 20-foot knick-knack, but there was the alien attack, and he was exhausted by the time the last hive-creature-infestation-mass-thingy burned. He swayed a little on the eleven-o'clock news.

The next morning, Bruce was in his kitchen with coffee and stacks of vitamins. "You have to take care of yourself, Dick."

"Hypocrite," Dick said, and kissed him hard. He tasted like orange juice, incongruous sunshine.

Bruce kissed him back, then pushed him against the counter and sucked him off, winding his fingers together with Dick's in a solid, perfect grip. Like coming -- no, being home.

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